To become a supporter of National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science and help improve the life of dancers in the UK, you can make a donation. We welcome help from individuals and corporate entities.
Generous donations from the Jerwood Charitable Foundation, Harlequin Floors and numerous dance industry professionals since 2008 made the launch of the National Institute possible, including the first NHS dance injury clinics in London, Birmingham and Bath.
Without continued support from donations the vital NIDMS services cannot grow. Our future plans involve fundraising for further NHS clinics in Leeds, Scotland and Wales; expanding the current NHS dance injury clinic provision in London to include psychological support; and delivering a groundbreaking large-scale injury epidemiology project across the UK
If you would like to know more about how to donate and our current projects, please contact the NIDMS Manager on +44 (0)20 7940 9804 or email