The NIDMS partners provide a range of educational opportunities for dance professionals and healthcare practitioners working with dancers.

Online Educational Sessions
These regular sessions for dance practitioners, healthcare professionals, and researchers provide ongoing opportunities to share best practice, discuss current issues, and keep up to date with emerging clinical practice and research in dance medicine and science and dancers’ health.

Talks, Workshops and Conferences
Delivered by dance science and health specialists, educational talks and workshops can be tailored to your needs. Sessions can be delivered to dance students or professional performance groups and can also act as continued professional development for teachers, choreographers, and/or directors. The workshops cover major topics in dancers’ health, fitness, wellbeing and performance and have been prepared especially with today’s working dancer in mind. They include both theoretical and practical elements. Click through to the links below for more information:
One Dance UK Healthier Dancer Talks
Trinity Laban Education workshops
NIDMS partners reguarly organise and present at conferences on dance performance and health-related topics. Presentations highlighting the latest best practice are given by a wide range of speakers specalising in dance and sports medicine and science. Opportunities to question, debate and network with fellow professionals passionate about performance enhancement and injury reduction in dance are included. Information on upcoming conferences can be found here:
The Healthier Dancer Programme is also a registered provider of the Safe in Dance International Healthy Dance Practice CPD Certificate. This certificate has been developed and written by international leaders in healthy dance practice and is endorsed by the Council for Dance Education and Training to award 60 hours of CPD through independent study. It evidences knowledge in the key areas of safe dance practice that are essential for dance teachers working in all dance genres and settings. The cost of taking the Healthy Dance Practice Certificate is £140.

Higher Education
There are a number of opportunities to study dance medicine and science in higher education. NIDMS partners Trinity Laban and the University of Wolverhampton were the first in the UK to offer Masters Degrees in Dance Science (MSc Dance Science Trinity Laban; MSc Dance Science University of Wolverhampton). Graduates of these courses are now forming the backbone of dance science developments and research in the UK and internationally.
Undergraduate degrees in Dance Science are available at University of Chichester,Trinity Laban and University of Wolverhampton. Dance Science master's degrees are also delivered at University of Bedfordshire, University of Chichester and the University of Edinburgh. A number of Sport and Exercise Medicine postgraduate courses are also offering dance medicine modules (Queen Mary University of London, Nottingham University) and University College London offers a MSc in Performing Arts Medicine. The University of Birmingham, University of Wolverhampton and Trinity Laban are offering doctoral study opportunities.
For more information on dance science career opportunities, read these FAQ's prepared by IADMS One Dance UK and The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries at the NYU Langone Medical Center.

Continued Professional Development (CPD)
The NIDMS partners recognise the important role we can play in providing opportunities for those interested in dance medicine and science to expand their knowledge and understanding of working with dancers and their particular needs.
Medical observerships
We currently offer doctors and physiotherapists who are post registration limited observership opportunities in one of our healthcare settings; Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Royal United Hospital, Trinity Laban Health or Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Jerwood Centre for the Prevention and Treatment of Dance Injuries. Those interested should download the placement application form and return the completed form to who will let you know what might be available. Please note that placements of 4+ weeks are preferred.
Dance Science placements
One Dance UK
Placements are sometimes available within the health team at One Dance UK. Please note that this would be predominantly office based work but will provide an insight into the health work being carried out by NIDMS and One Dance UK. If you are interested in a placement please download and complete this application form and return it to
University of Wolverhampton
Formal short period research internships are also available at the University of Wolverhampton. These usually last 4-6 weeks focusing on a specific topic agreed by the intern and the supervisor. Those interested should e-mail their CV and a paragraph about a possible topic for research to Professor Matt Wyon and he will let you know what might be available.