Stanmore NHS Dance Injury Clinic
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, Brockley Hill, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4LP
What3Words: Rocket.Shelf.Sadly
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How can I get an appointment?
You must first visit your GP, explain your injury concern and that you are a dance student or professional, (e.g. freelancer, teacher, choreographer) and would benefit from dance-specialist treatment. Your GP will refer you to your chosen NHS Dance Injury clinic using the information below.
Please show this information on your phone or bring a printed copy to share during your GP appointment to help them make the referral.
Please note this service is a Secondary service, not Tertiary. Due to this service being an NHS service it is free at the point of use and as an NHS patient it is your legal right to choose where you would like to be referred.
Referral options/details
All GP referrals are now done electronically through the e-Referral System (e-RS), previously called Choose & Book. GPs can find the referral option by searching.
Referrals can also be made by Consultants and Medical Specialists from other hospitals. These can be done via letter, fax or email.
Helpful phone numbers and email:
Telephone: 020 3947 0044
Full postal details
Sport, Exercise & Musculoskeletal Medicine (SEMM) Service
Dept of Rheumatology & Sports Medicine
Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Medicine (OARM) Unit
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust
Brockley Hill
Middlesex HA7 4LP
If you have any problems or questions regarding your referral please contact us.
"The service was very good and it was clear to me that the doctors were experienced in the field. It was very important for me to be able to talk about my injury with them and assess how to go ahead"
- Igor Urzelai, Dance Artist.
Our Team
The Stanmore NIDMS Clinical Team