Recipes with Zerlina Mastin
LUNCH - Potato Cakes with Spinach & Mackerel
Potatoes tend to be one of the most common leftover foods in our kitchens. But there are literally hundreds of ways to use them up - from creamy soups, vegetable stews, bubble and squeak, shepherd’s pie, to lemon drizzle cake! Here’s one idea….
Serves 2
300g potatoes, small tin of mackerel (approximately 125g), 1 small onion, 80g spinach, 1 egg, breadcrumbs from 2 slices of bread, vegetable oil, a little milk (cow’s milk or unsweetened plant milk), flour for dusting.
Boil the potatoes until tender. Drain and mash with a little milk. Season with salt and pepper.
Fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil until soft. Add the spinach and cook for a further 2 minutes on low heat (you may need a tbsp. of water).
Mix the mash with the onion and spinach then slowly fold in the flaked fish.
Sprinkle a little flour over your hands then shape the mixture i
nto approximately 4-6 cakes. If you have time, chill the cakes for half an hour.
Dip each cake in beaten egg, followed by the breadcrumbs, and fry in a little oil (e.g. 2 tbsp.) for a few minutes on each side.
Serve with some seasoned salad leaves or broccoli.
To make the breadcrumbs:
Tear the bread into 1-inch chunks and place in a food processor. Process until the chunks are reduced to crumbs. Spread over a baking sheet and bake in the oven until dry and slightly golden (stirring occasionally)

Next recipe by Zerlina will be released on Monday 19th February 2018.